Diesel Battle | Pikes Peak 2022

Andersen: That's how you prepare for Pike's Peak, and seeing other very big teams go through the exact same struggles that we've gone through, It's just kind of the nature of the Beast."

Andersen: "We are now ready to go take our chance at the mountain, to see if we can beat a diesel record, to see if we can beat our other buddies and their diesel-powered vehicles. If we're going to have a car that even makes it to the top of the mountain?"

Tech Day

Powelson: "We need to make a vote here, on whether we run nitrous or not.
Andersen: Cole makes a last minute decision to make a class change because I think we were really concerned about the use of nitrous or not"

Powelson: "If we use nitrous it moves us into unlimited which is going to put

Powelson: "You know it's ultimately Clay's decision and Charlie didn't overrule it, so I think we're gonna move to unlimited and stay on the bottle. We're definitely going to be able to make more power at elevation, we'll know tomorrow morning on the upper section."
DAY 2 Upper Section

Powelson: "We're at Devil's Playground right now about 13,000 feet about to crack something out for the very first time 6.0 excited about it
Brewer: "I wasn't

Powelson: "When I came to the stop I heard boiling, and the hood started to bubble and it was not good."
Powelson: "The great Folks at PPIR were

DAY 3 Qualifying
Andersen : "He's very fast, very very fast. We were really excited about the

Lome: "Everybody was addressing separate issues, we all got tons of stuff done,
Lone: "T

Andersen: "We go to fire it up, to drive into the trailer and that's when we realized that this week was not going to be an easy week.."
Day 4

Andersen: "We pull the oil pan.."

Lone: "I know
Brewer: "We couldn't get Frank to turn over off of the starter, so we were chasing ground leads and trying to make sure everything electrical wise was okay, to no avail. The starter would only kick the engine over like one degree at a time so we found the biggest range we had put it on the crank snout put I think it was a jack handle on top of that"

Powelson: "We had Peter, Clay and Nick, they were the
Andersen: "We're hoping that this engine rebuild is going to take four or five hours, it ended up taking quite a bit longer than that"
Lone: "Just trying to source all the pieces that we didn't have it's just the smallest stuff that you run into, like oh yeah we got an engine we got all the parts that we need oh well the head gaskets aren't right, we're trying to find head gaskets at like 10 pm. And like the dowels that align the heads are the wrong size, well let's

Day 5

Andersen: "The conversation went if the billet valve covers go on the engine they're not going to come off, they physically won't come off without us pulling the engine.
Andersen: "The answer was if we have to pull the valve covers there's

Andersen: "We're changing an engine in a car we're diagnosing all these issues all with the potential that we won't even have a chance to drive because of the weather on Sunday"
Powelson: "As you're getting sleep deprived and tired and thinking crazy thoughts and your mind's playing tricks on you if you look at that weather
we don't need to finish this because nobody's going to have a shot to run the mountain because it was the worst it couldn't have been any worse I can't control the weather what I can control is getting the car to the start line"
Lone: "Like dude, why would you come so far not see the end. So I told him Cole's motivational words that he told me when we were doing the Subaru. He's like you just you gotta fight the good fight to the end brother."
Day 6

Andersen: "We are now ready to go take our chance at the mountain to see if we can beat a diesel record to see if we can beat our other buddies in their diesel-powered vehicles, if we're going to have a car that even
Powelson: "Here we are at the start line of 100th running the Pikes Peak Hill Climb as you can see it's foggy it's rainy it's terrible conditions but they're still sending competitors all the way to the summit.
Lone: "It was so gnarly you couldn't you couldn't see 30 feet in front of you at the bottom
Powelson: "Initially, on race day it shows 80 percent chance of rain, what the weather didn't show was 100 chance of fog, it was everywhere from the start line to the Finish Line the whole course is covered in fog. It's damp then it starts to rain then the fog gets worse and then it lightens up a little bit in the middle. It just was a miserable day weather-wise for every competitor that attacked the mountain.
Hermansen: "Low and behold, us not getting a qualified time helped us

Hermansen: "I was just tripping, like what happened, like did he crash? Did
Brewer: "Jared Dienda is announcing and he's like oh man safety's going up! There's only two cars on track, someone must have went off or there's an accident."
Andersen: "Instantly we're just kind of deflated as a team, but we're still watching the live stream"
Announcer: Yep that is Cole!"
Brewer: "E
Poweslon: "I start to find a rhythm, start to remember parts of the course as the fog's breaking up, and then I break into the sunlight and it's clear and it's beautiful and the car feels great, and I'm feeling it, I'm ready to rip!"
Andersen: "In the back of our minds we're thinking, Cinderella Story. We've had the worst week, all week Cinderella Story."
Powelson: "I wish it didn't feel so good before it felt so bad".
Powelson: "The potential for the diesel record was right there!, it was in my hands."
Safety: What happened!?"
Powelson: We put a Powerstroke into a Nissan GT-R and it didn't work" [LAUGHTER]
Powelson: "Ultimately it's just an undeveloped car, It doesn't have all
Andersen: "To put so much blood sweat and tears- and sleepless nights into a
Poweslon: "What we were able to overcome in preparation for race day to give that just one shot at the mountain was truly a magical experience to be a part of,